
Fit Fatties Across America is officially launched!  Fit Fatties around the world are pooling all our miles and minutes of movement to see how long it takes us to get across America. From New York City to Los Angeles, we are going to run, dance, swim, walk, hike, play, and work out all the way across the continent.  The is open to all Fit Fatties Forum members.

Not a forum member yet?  Click here to join! It’s free and doesn’t commit you to anything.

Submit your distance or time by CLICKING HERE.  You can check back on Fit Fatty Friday’s to see our progress.

A note to our International friends:  “America” here is representative of the geographical distance we plan to “travel”, not of the nationalities of people we hope will be involved. This is open to all forum members from all around the world. If this effort is successful we may well do Fit Fatties Around the World next time , maybe someday we’ll even do Fit Fatties to the Moon.  With this first effort we thought that America represented a lofty goal but not unattainable, and since Jeanette and I live in LA it will end in our hometown where we can host a celebration that we can livestream around the world.

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